Borton Petrini LLP
San Bernardino San Diego Corporate Law Offices Businesses Attorneys. Directing statewide operations from centrally located Bakersfield, California, we assist both local and national clients in nearly all areas of practice.
Borton Petrini, LLP is one of California's leading law firms, with offices in Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles, Modesto, Orange County, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and Tehachapi. By having a presence in every major metropolitan city in California, Borton Petrini, LLP is poised to serve your legal needs, and utilizes its statewide network to effectuate the same.
Directing statewide operations from centrally located Bakersfield, California, we assist both local and national clients in nearly all areas of practice, from business and corporate law to insurance defense, and all areas in between, including land use issues, tax planning, water law, employment law, public entity, professional liability, environmental and health care law, just to name a few.
Borton Petrini LLP
Stockdale Tower
5060 California Ave #700
Bakersfield CA 93309
Tel: 661 322-3051
Fax: 661 322-4628
Bankruptcy Law
Our Modesto Location Services Stanislaus County, San Joaquin County, Calaveras County, and Tuolumne County
Overwhelmed by Unmanageable Debt and ridiculously High Interest Rates on Credit Cards? Recently Lost your Job? Overwhelmed with harassing creditor phone calls? Faced with foreclosure of residence or other real estate properties? Are you being sued for failure to pay creditors or have a judgment against you? Are your wages being garnished? Do you owe income taxes more than three (3) years old? Have you had autos repossessed and owe a huge deficiency? Need assistance Declaring Bankruptcy? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you need to speak with an experienced, professional Bankruptcy Lawyer.
Let our Expert Bankruptcy Attorneys at the Law Offices of Borton Petrini help you today with a Free Financial Analysis to find out if Declaring Bankruptcy is the right choice for you.
Why choose the Law Offices of Borton Petrini?
* We offer Free Consultations
* We will give you an Honest Assessment of your Financial Situation
* We will make the process of declaring bankruptcy affordable
* We will guide you through the entire bankruptcy process
* We will help you get a fresh start without debt
* We are a California law firm focused on providing affordable solutions to our clients. We offer free consultations on all matters and have the experience and knowledge to advise you on all aspects of your bankruptcy case.
Please call anytime to speak with our Modesto location’s lead Bankruptcy Attorney, Tamie Cummins to see how we can help you. Initial consultations are free.
CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY is an affordable solution to people with limited income or resources. It can eliminate your obligation for large amounts of debt and, in many cases, you will not have to give up any of your property to file. This exempt property will generally include cash, household furnishings, clothing and other ordinary items, tools of trade, personal injury and worker’s compensation claims, up to one million dollars for retirement investments or pension plans, an automobile and equity in your residence. If you do not have equity in your residence or do not own your primary residence, the exempt property will include an additional wild card protection to protect extra assets such as additional vehicles, motorcycles, jet skis, quads, motor homes, trailers, boats, tax returns, time shares, and equity in non-residential property. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy is designed to give people a fresh start when they are struggling to keep current on bills and is a means to put an immediate end to harassing phone calls, legal action and garnishment by creditors. A Chapter 7 Attorney welcomes the opportunity to discuss your specific situation and determine if a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is right for you. Please call today for a Free Consultation with our expert Chapter 7 Attorney.
CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY allows people who have significant income or assets to restructure their debt in a way that will allow them to pay back some or all of their liabilities in monthly installments over a set period of time. A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Plan can be worked out that will provide you with fixed payments for three to five years with no more interest or penalties. This can be used to either eliminate some of your debt or to catch up when you are late on mortgage payments or other secured loans. In certain circumstances, a Chapter 13 Attorney can help you to remove and expunge second mortgages when the value of your home is less than the remaining balance due on your first mortgage. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is also an option for people who wish to pay back all of their debt, but who need a structured payment plan to do so. Please call today for a Free Consultation with our expert Chapter 13 Attorney.
If you have a bankruptcy issue, you should immediately call the Bankruptcy Attorneys at Borton Petrini, and arrange for a free consultation.
